2025 Available Roundtables
Space to Focus All Year (sponsored by The Miller Group)
Meeting February 14th through November 14th
2nd Fridays
9:00-11:00 a.m. CST via Zoom
This is the format convening since 2015. We provide advance reading for each session and case studies are presented by members. It’s two-hours a month of direct advice from other execs.
New Executive Directors Peer Coaching (sponsored by The Moran Company)
Six sessions, meeting January through November (2nd Thursday), & the topics rotate so you can begin any month
Designed for Execs in their first year in a new role (regardless of previous e.d. experience)
Pertinent topics selected plus case studies
10:00-11:30 a.m. CST via Zoom
Emergent Strategies - NEW
Identify and converse about what’s emerging, not “best practices” but emerging strategies
We provide reading material and guest presenters, you’ll provide questions and ideas
Think of organizational culture and relatedness and performance management and governance
Six 90-minute sessions, March - August
Few people understand the challenges of leadership at the top like our peers,
and that’s why confidential discussion with other CEO’s provides a place to openly share your concerns. This gives executives the chance to hear from savvy, accomplished, and unbiased leaders - and gain Space to Focus.
Purpose & Concept: Space to Focus is a facilitated peer learning group that meets to share ideas, successes, and challenges in a safe, confidential setting. The groups are created as forums to analyze trends and current best practices in nonprofit leadership. The intention is to share what is happening in members’ organizations, discuss solutions, and receive feedback and ideas from others.
Membership & Structure
10 - 12 participants who hold a top executive position
Group facilitation by Bruce Scott, M.S.W.
Members commit to confidentiality and agree to attend a majority of the sessions
One fee for each series of meetings.
Program Model
We use a pure peer-learning model that splits each session into a topical exploration and individually shared case studies* (in the ten month group). The topic-of-the-day allows the group to define and explore any pertinent subject, relying on member sharing and skilled facilitation to gain focus each week. Structured discussion topics (supported by advance reading materials) have included: growing an executive leadership team, diversity/equity/inclusion, crisis management in the pandemic, benefiting from challenging board members, strengths based leadership, the “overhead myth,” and board-executive partnership. In ten-month groups we use journal articles and books to guide the discussion (see examples below*).
*Case study reviews comprise at least half of each session. Members bring their “cases” and use the group as “consultants” with this format:
The Headline – short and enticing.
The Nutshell – a concise statement of the issue.
The Background – the players, how long it's been going on, what’s at stake.
What’s been tried?
Clarifying questions from the group.
Peer Consultation.
Review - What are you taking back with you – what will you try?
*Books utilized in past groups are: Drive, Daniel H. Pink; Rest, Alex Pang; The One Thing, Gary Keller; The Work of Leaders, Julie Straw et al; The Advantage, Patrick Lencioni; Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott; The Four Disciplines of Execution, McChesney, Covey, Huling; The Coaching Habit, Michael Bungay Stanier; Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan; Whole Brain Living, Jean Bolte Taylor
“For leaders to get results they need three kinds of focus. Inner focus attunes us to our intuitions, guiding values, and better decisions. Other focus smooths our connections to the people in our lives. And outer focus lets us navigate in the larger world. A leader tuned out of his internal world will be rudderless; one blind to the world of others will be clueless; those indifferent to the larger systems within which they operate will be blindsided.”
Daniel Goleman, Focus – The Hidden Driver of Excellence, 2013
““This really is a good space to get focus. We’re all CEOs and can talk a mean game, but I need to be reinforced by others to fight my way through what I know needs to happen.””
“Absolutely a great investment of time and money. The ability to gather in a safe space among peers to discuss high-level, real-life organizational topics and pain points is priceless. “
- Participant 2023
“It can be lonely at the top, so I really appreciated the time I had with this group to hear how they approached problems and to discuss issues that I can’t discuss with my leadership team.